Our Services
Discover Our Expertise
Understand the root causes
Our consultants will work with your services and their users to undertake a process of diagnosing the problems and the need for the change. We will support you in identifying and assessing opportunities for meeting your strategic aims against a backdrop of local and national strategy and best practice research.
Business Case Development
Obtain stakeholder buy-in and commitment
Our consultants ensure that business cases are strategically aligned and robust in order to obtain management commitment and buy-in, and approval for investment. Pivotal to our approach is ensuring that both the ‘case for change’ is compelling and that the benefits of an initiative, both qualitative and quantitative, are articulated clearly, realistic and are measurable.
Operating Model Design
Achieving an efficient and effective organisation that delivers the highest quality of care
Implementing a new operating model has the potential to enhance capability or introduce new ways of working that is coherent with your organisation’s vision and strategy. We understand that there is no single solution when designing an organisation and a bespoke tailored solution is required. Our consultants adopt a structured, systematic and integrated approach to the design and reshaping of existing organisations to increase the chance of realising the expected benefits.
Portfolio Prioritisation
Ensuring strategic alignment in what you do
Is everything that your oganisation does a priority? Our consultants will work with you to design a framework for prioritising programmes and projects that achieve the greatest benefits, within the resource capacity and capability constraints of your organisation. We will assist you in putting in place the key infrastructure to mobilise and govern the portfolio.
Programme and Project Delivery
Delivering the outcomes you need on time, to budget and to the desired quality
We assist our clients to deliver complex change at pace, in a controlled way to transform your organisation and the services it provides. We adapt our approach to your organisations requirements, drawing from the industry best practice of Prince2 and MSP.  Critical to how we support you is effectively engaging and communicating with key stakeholders, from senior management to front line staff and service users/patients, to ensure that change is accepted and commitment secured.